Utubefavorites & WiFi Club Social Network

My Days InnEffingham  WiFi Club

Being a at home grandpa and having an online business is not that hard now, with free internet so easily assessable.The WiFi  Club members are testing antenna products and have been getting great results. Signal king has a distance of 600 meters, Alfa Ralink about 400 meters, Alfa & Parabolic Grid Antenna a little over a mile, they claim it gets 8 miles line of site but when we tested it,  the results were 1 and a quarter miles. How ever, if you ad the inline signal booster it will improve speed and performance,according to test results it was 4 miles. We help you make attaching the antennas to your laptop or Your PC much easier. Our guidance is the key for all your WiFi needs.
The WiFi Club compared Ralink drivers to other drivers, but they seemed to be slower and not as good of a internet connection. Cisco is the designer of the Ralink driver, they are highly recommend and are listed on the wall street stock exchange company. Here in Effingham We are blessed with ready and available WiFi. There are towers spread out far and wide.The towers start from the east coast and travel along major highways, they go all the way to the west cost.
The reason the towers follow the highways and train railways, is for internet to cars, trains, buses, cellphones, GPS and the list goes on. These days more people have to make use of the free to air waves that the powerful towers provide. Internet for cellphones and other mediums of information, all use these communication towers Free on a daily basis to begin with.

So with technology at hand and towers near by


working from home, my daily are as follows something like this…

Upon waking up and after having breakfast, the computer is turned on to check out new developments in the network. As far as the marketer is concerned there might be new things to update and statistics to keep track on.
I check my site design and to see if it has to be revised. I know that a well-designed site can increase sign ups from visitors. It can also help in the conversion keeping up with customers Q&A.
Once that’s done, it is time to go look at WiFi Club Social Network program and see if I have any new members that need approving when joining our network . WiFi Club Social Network is for  people in joining our cause for free internet for all. sharing the greatest gift that can be giving knowledge . A sure way of promoting free to air waves connections.
There are lots of resources to sort out. Ads, banners, button ads and sample recommendations to give out because the marketer knows that this is one way of ensuring more sales. Best to stay visible and accessible too. Here Is How.

WiFi Club Now Has A Social Networking Site

In Order To Make Our WiFi Club Complete, It Was Missing Something?

It was missing a social network! The WiFi Club Social Network is supporting free to air waves, while sharing information on how you can have free internet as well, if you so chose. The WiFi Club can teach you how to make the free to air waves a secured connection. Here at the WIFI Club, we are searching for people that want to learn. Join the WiFi Club And its followers on our Social Network, Facebook,Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Sodahead, Blogger, and Effinghamwifi.com


Welcome to Wifi club Social Network! Join now to make new friends, create groups, add photos, and much more.



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